It's been a while I didn't post anything on my blog, The past 2 month had been more an observation and adjustment period for me. Funny... at a certain moment of your life you get to a point of telling your self " I think I was born to be alone and die alone.
You make decisions out of stupidity thinking they were the right to make, every new chapter you try to read presents and paragraph that will catch your attention and gives you the consistent need to writ your own book... Ok too much paraphrases... I recently learned a lesson, it was hard to process it but I realized how strong I was to overcome the old " Me ", the man who used to suffer for love and was a fixer. From church I have learned that … " It isn't always good to fix things because at the end the damage will always reappear, God has his own way to turn things around but patience and willingness is required to find the light on your path" .
We all have dreams, Goals, plans that we would wish everyday to fast forward time for; We all have our imperfections since none of us are perfect, we got our ups and downs but besides all the characteristics' traits that we have, we remain " HUMAN". I am a Christian and I believe in compromising, in dialogue, tolerance and everything that comes when it's about relationships; I respect others' strength and weaknesses and in any case I would use them against them to prove a point or to respond out of anger and hurt. These 2 last terms are poisonous and powerful in destroying your inner light, I have seen the consequences and have been affected deeply by that. My question is " WHY ? ". Life is pretty and continuous and infinite journey, we make choices over and over, we decide to love and love only ourselves but by having a connection with someone and call it LOVE. Why is it so easy to just flip the pages one after one once it isn't convenient for us ? Love is suppose to be real but raises doubt instead because of the past. People don't let go their very past ans tend to confound the present with the wrong time. Someone told me once that Love is not just about love, it is true but the lack of respect and understanding or even willingness to keep our word makes it a threat for our story's ending. Nobody would like to be the one that dies in a movie... which is some kind wrong because sometime we dies for good causes except that suicide is some type of cowardice, a reputation that nobody would like to have.
The problem is Human is patient in getting to know someone in the real life, social media is taking over , every first step of the process became electronic and virtual which causes a skip effect to the conception or truthfulness and realness. We get hurt, become blind by not noticing that a CHANGE is mandatory to our methods, that the bricks need to be physically place in building a foundation. I'm telling you that you need to put in mind that a few years might not be enough to know someone but it can also be possible in just a few months; what make you know in what you are putting your self into is the situational phase, your actions, reactions and responses to some matters that happen in dealing with the dark layers of someone you intend to live with. The physical and the virtual are bot useful but can't be balanced 50/50, NEVER ! I agree with people who go back to their past to fill a gap they never filled because it is for a good cause, but going to the past just to worsen the present is a sign of destructive mind and Self-anger; because we think that we could've done better, that we should've take some decisions instead of others, that we should... that we had to … that we would be … etc
I say ENOUGH !!! what happens because of the paths we take is our own doing and our ignorance about how our actions are linked to our future is mainly the cause of our worst nightmare. All we have to do at first is OWN IT !
In fact I am speaking from experience and I found my light when I've finally agreed with the imperfections of others and my flaws, which aren't that bad... - One thing about Andre he doesn't tolerate people taking his kindness, patience, love and understanding …FOR GRANTED. The man I've decided to be is better than the one I was and what feels good is the fact that as I'm moving forward believing in what a man can do by himself I'm getting better and stronger every second. I embrace all the positive people that surrounds me, at my church and the neighborhood where I live, I embrace those who love and those who betrayed themselves by revealing their dark sides. You should do the same as of now. 2019 is about to be here, a new year it has to be different, better, and this will happen once you mindfully conscious of your actual situation that has to change by bringing the best of yourself and remedy to it. This is the time for a new chapter of your Journey , The time to walk following the path that God is paving for you.
Love to love isn't a sin, but losing your self doing it will take you to places where you will never come back from; Guess what even if you get hurt once or twice, on the next chapter LOVE MORE but mindfully.
Sharing is caring … I share my thoughts with you; Remember people change … that your self will never let you down. :-)