Picturing reality as it is, the consequences of our actions and decisions, the hurts from experiences and relief from being runaways from the devil's commitment to control our minds and break our faith, I believe that we are in other terms runaways from our dark selves, from who we aren't suppose to be.
We all have been created with a purpose and all we have as only policy it to honor the why God has put us living on earth. The Universe is vast, but yet he did chose EARTH. Explorations has been executed but yet no results than just hypothesis that life is POSSIBLE on Mars or other exoplanets. Remember what happened when Eve ate the forbidden apple and then gave a bite to Adam; Of course knowledge is power but is it always good to know " too much" but not " enough " ?
We are all runaways from failure, but isn't it a way to learn ? isn't it right to say that " FAILURE" is " POWER" ? Yeah we learn from it BUT it can be an adopted attitude
We are all runaways from the consequences of our negative and unconscious actions looking forward to correct or fix them, but why not trying to avoid making mistakes, why not thinking before performing any actions that could indirectly harm us or come back to us as boomerang ?
We are Runaways from sadness while it is part of the balance, not necessarily a way to live but still... a feeling to be overtaken by our willingness to recreate ourselves and empower our own mind and live with happiness
We are runaways from our choices... Not finishing what we have started which at the end leads us to NOTHING, while we could just think, plan, dream and achieve. I probably mentioned it once but DREAMING is also one of these great ability we have to see our future, or to create the design of our Kingdom. Big word han ???... I mentioned KINGDOM considering the Royal mentality. … Grace, Elegance, Righteousness, consciousness, Real, Vision, Power... I'd day more than a thousand words coming from that concept.
We are all Runaways from our own selves... Yeah many of us are calling ourselves
" QUEENS or KINGS " do you not know what this means ? While your inner personality is not fixed or is dark you can't be a Queen or a King, like people getting tattooed just for " NOTHING" or just because they just like a drawing or symbol. A denomination has to be part of your identification, of course this is away to give an impression to who is looking, but IS IT RIGHT ?
2019, another 365 days season has started again, do your best to break the cycle, and bring your own elements to it, self evaluate yourself and determine in what category you are : Are you a Runaway from yourself ? or Are you a Runaway from the cycle of routine that will lead you anywhere ?